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Law of Attraction Manifestation Does It Really Happen

law of attraction manifestation

I’m sure that many people out there are now aware of the various “new age” concepts around the Law of Attraction Manifestation or Abundance Philosophy, which, in a nutshell, states that all of your Reality is created by your higher self and harnesses the power of the Universe, or Source Energy, (God) to pull whatever you “want” and focus on into your Reality.

It’s all true. What you “want” is what you get, but all too frequently what you “want” isn’t what you really want, but it’s always what you get. Let’s delve.

Okay. so you will have to do some mental work with this one. You need to retrain your mind and your subconscious mind.

You’ll need to reign in that ego, or the conscious mind in order to get anywhere.

Law of Attraction Manifests What We Want

This law works all of the time, and while so many fool themselves into thinking that it doesn’t and can’t work because, if they look at it from a skeptic’s viewpoint, they seem correct.

Let’s illustrate.

So, you want a certain something to go your way and you set out to manifest it.

You think about it, you focus on it, and you do all the right things.

You feel good about it and put feeling and energy into it.

Well, what about all of the skepticism that 99.99% of people then also put into law of attraction manifestation, without even realizing that they are doing that? How many Google searches on LOA and taking into consideration the skeptics and the ones who never could make it work so they have a bunch of sour grapes to sow all over the place and make themselves feel better about their failure so they want to bring as many down with them as they can, sort of like the crabs in a bucket scenario…

Ego wins… Again.

You can take 2 steps forward and three steps back for your whole life, and then your new belief that LOA doesn’t work becomes your actual M.O. Of course, the Universe abides and delivers EXACTLY what you want.

But, you didn’t want that? Yes, you did.

The Universal Source Energy doesn’t look at nuance in that way, that it can tell that what you are actively focusing on is not really what you want. If all you think about is failure and why always me, and why does nothing ever work for me or why can’t I win in life, then you get EXACTLY THAT. You never win and failure is always upon you and you prove to yourself in your analytical mind that it’s all a bunch of hooey.

You really need to get this point that I am making about law of attraction manifestation.

We ALL fall into this. Myself included! I have to catch myself and right my way of thinking, or maybe another person in my life gets me on that track… and you know, it’s SO seductive to join a pity party or create one for others to join. It FEELS so good when you are in it. That sympathy…

The Secret Law of Attraction

Go get the movie and watch it, or look it up on YouTube.

During that movie, they tell you the Secret and that it’s not so secret, but they also hold up this very point. Joe Vitale says it and he even tells you that he’s getting in your face and telling you that if you are negative and focus on that then what you perceive as bad things happen, and they are EXACTLY what you want.

Sorry if that bothers you. No exceptions.

Once upon a time, I didn’t like my life or where it was headed and I really focused on changing it, and the Universe really changed things up. Many bad things that I perceived at the time happened, but looking back, they had to happen to get to this point. It was uncomfortable. Learn to embrace discomfort if it can get you to where you need to be.

Focus on where you need to be as if it’s already happened.

If you focus your energy on these things that you really want and can visualize them and the joy that you feel about them as if it’s already real, then eventually it will happen.

Watch out for mind traps.  Do not focus on things in a negative way because then what you want will always be out of reach, and you’ll be at risk for falling into the trap I wrote about above.

There will be more on these topics but that’s it for now. I need to write about gratitude, soon.

Please share this around and also comment below (no spam) if you have something really real to say.


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