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Manifesting Law of Attraction 100x More Powerful Than Scripting

manifesting law of attractin 100x more powerful than scripting

Having trouble manifesting Law of Attraction into your reality? Ever wonder why some people just have that magic formula that you can’t seem to figure out?

Keep reading because this could be the missing ingredient in your method.

The Secret Law of Attraction Creates Problems Manifesting Law of Attraction

The problems arise because people see that wonderful movie and all of those things but they are left on their own to figure it out or to hunt down the missing pieces afterward, and then they could end up frustrated and chalking it all up to new age touchy feely “oh this doesn’t work this could never work” and then they continue on in their previous uninspired life.

Don’t do that!

What is Law of Attraction Scripting?

Scripting is the process of not just saying affirmations or speaking your desires and goals, but writing them down so that your conscious and unconscious mind work together. Your conscious mind creates and presents the information and your unconscious mind receives the information and figures out how to turn it into conscious reality. By reading the scripted desires, goals, affirmations back to yourself (preferably out loud), your unconscious mind receives it loud and clear, because “it” believes everything that you tell it, unlike the conscious critical mind.

Okay, so this works, but are there any problems with it?

It takes a lot of time and effort to write stuff down. Take it from me, a blogger, who writes down all of this material, and creates their own graphics, and maintains their own websites, it’s A LOT of work.

My motto, when applicable, is to work smarter, not harder.

If you want less work and more success manifesting law of attraction then you have got to do this consistently, and that is another thing, consistency brings success and if you make it less work and time to do then success is more likely.

What’s 100x More Powerful and Easier than Law of Attraction Scripting?


We can call it video scripting, or vblogging, or vlogging, but I prefer video scripting because it doesn’t have to be published for the world to see. It’s just for you.

So, how does it work? How do you do it? It’s WAY easier than scripting.

You need a video recording device, and most people have one with them all of the time, and that is called their smartphone.

Yes! Your phone can record you speaking into it.

So, how does it work?

You merely record yourself speaking at your phone and you do it AS IF the target of your manifestation is already a reality for you.

It may feel strange at first, and you may find yourself deleting some and rerecording it to be more convincing, but the real magic happens when you watch them over and over.

You make the video and speak in the PRESENT tense. “I’m going to the bank to deposit this $50,000. check that was sent to me and I am going to pick up the plates for my brand new (insert luxury or sports car here) at the dealer and then I have to get to a business meeting for ____.” Like that.

Some may see this as a form of “fake it till you make it”, but you aren’t making this in order to fool other people into thinking that your current level of wealth or success is not what you want to reflect. You are fooling your subconscious mind, which is your link to your higher self, which is the all knowing part of your cosmic consciousness. Your subconscious mind believes whatever you tell it, so this is a very effective technique and that is why this can be seen as 100x more effective than text scripting.

When doing your videos, DO NOT make it as if whatever it is will be coming to you in the future. It has to be as if it is already a reality. Speak in the present tense. If you do it the other way then it will ALWAYS be in your future. You want what you desire in your current reality, so you have to speak these videos as if you are already living this way. Your subconscious mind will see this as how your present reality must be, so it will find ways to make it so.

Have you ever noticed that there are some people who are always so positive in their self image, and they have a healthy sense of entitlement as if they are somehow entitled to having success and nice things? It’s convenient to dislike these people, but I said, it’s a healthy entitlement. That is what we are after. There is enough abundance in the Universe to go around for everyone many times over, so there is no need to compete with or cheat others to get yours. THAT is the difference between a healthy vs unhealthy sense of entitlement.

So, there you have it. You just have to be persistent and patient, and do it for however long it takes for a seismic shift in your reality. There is no time to tell you, as every person’s imagination and desire is different, and make sure that you steer clear of negative self talk because then you will be taking one step forward and two steps back.

I hope that this makes sense to you, so please make sure that you bookmark it, reread it as many times as you have to, share it and pin it on social media, and then make sure you check back periodically for more material.


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