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Ego and Analytical Mind as Enemy to The Secret Law of Attraction

the secret law of attraction

The biggest barrier to success in manifesting within the Secret Law of Attraction is your own ego and analytical mind. Yes. To put that another way, YOU are your own worst enemy, always. The Power is within you, and so is the low vibrational state that blocks you from experiencing the awesome Power that is always within YOU.

Let’s say more about this.

You hear it all the time if you read or watch videos on this subject. They always tell you that if the whole manifesting part of the secret law of attraction is not working, that it’s actually YOUR fault.

That’s pretty harsh, isn’t it?

They go on to tell you that no matter what you perceive as bad that happens to you in your human experience, that it’s brought into your reality and given power by YOU. In other words, you bring in and manifest all of the things, people, and situations that you consciously deem as “bad”.

Is that true? Can that be true?

It kinda is…

So, if that is true, and whether you want to believe it or take responsibility for it is another question. Like, how can it be MY fault if so and so it being rotten to me or how can it be MY doing if I end up with that disease, or whatever.

There are things that happen to you and things that happen to people around you, and when you realize that you are living in your own parallel universe that you created for YOU and that everyone and everything that you experience were created by YOU in order to support YOUR journey through this life experience, it starts to make sense.

But what, you might say, about the other people in my experience? Surely they are not just cosmic meat puppets playing a role in this production called “My Life”? Well, yes and no. In YOUR experience they are here to support you in whatever cosmic way they were asked (they are unaware) but in THEIR parallel universe that is tailored to them YOU are in that capacity for THEM.

So after you let THAT sink in for a bit, we need to get back to the ownership part that this post is actually really about.

Your EGO or ANALYTICAL MIND is actually your enemy in this part of things.

Those things help you navigate the day to day world and environment around you, to do your job, to get through the mechanical parts of life. They have a purpose. But, here when you are trying to manifest and create cosmic magic and miracles akin to directed manifestation, they are your WORST enemies. They will chop away at your beliefs and desires. They will bring in feelings of guilt and unworthiness, or maybe chip away at the necessary gratitude and optimism. They will cause you to question everything and set up resistance that will keep you from getting what it is that you don’t want in life.

Have you ever wondered why in some religions they tell you that you have to just “take it on faith”? That’s because these things, as yet, cannot be explained by science, although there are advancements in understanding that are underway in the realm of parallel universes, consciously directed thought, and quantum entanglement, etc.

The point that I have been driving towards here is that you have to silence your ego and analytical mind when you are applying the principles of the secret law of attraction because you need to shift to a position of belief. You have to believe in the process, believe in your abilities, believe in your deservedness, and believe that it’s all possible and probable for you to receive what you desire. You need to also not focus on your need for what you want to be in a state of desperateness. The more desperate that you are, the farther away you push it. Likewise, you must also feel as if your abundance is already a part of you and is all around you because if you think about all of this as always in your future but not in your present, it will ALWAYS be in your future and not show up in your present.

Wow, there’s more to this than they let on in the Secret and other sources of this knowledge!

So how do you get beyond all of these barriers?

You just take it one day at a time. Become comfortable with the process of becoming. Practics pushing your ego out of these times when you are getting into a state of gratitude and deserving and expectation.

Accept that you are worthy and are actually the creator of your own reality.

If you are having a problem sorting out what you should believe while your skeptical mind (analytical mind) is attacking these possibilities, then think only of the Buddhist monks who can, with the power of their minds, meditate in ice-cold conditions, with cold wet blankets over them to the point where hours later they emerge all warm with the blankets hot and dry around them. ANYTHING is possible in your reality if you just get the ego and analytical mind out of the way.

Keep tuning in for more insights.


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