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How to Make Money Online

how to make money online blogging

Everyone asks about how to make money online, but FEW have the patience and the work ethic to make it happen.

They think that there is some magic button that they press and then, voila! Money rains into their accounts on an automagic [sic] basis.


This is a process and an art, but one that anyone can learn.

Learning How to Make Money Online Is Easy

The learning part is easy. It’s not rocket science. The hard part for most is consistency and effort over time.

People today have short attention spans and the whole instant gratification that new technology brings has made people very impatient for things that they want.

There are so many people out there looking for that instant Internet money.

They end up going from one thing to the next and never mastering anything because when they don’t get instant success, they think it’s some kind of scheme or scam, and head onto the next thing, and the next, and the next…

How to Make Money Online if You Have an Attention Span

You need to be able to keep your attention focused on your tasks and your goals in order to succeed in ANY measure online. Success can take many forms. It doesn’t always have to equal riches and Lambos in the driveway.

It can be getting more views, or more signups to your affiliate offers, or maybe a following. My point here is to have levels of goals and make them realistic for your current position.

Blogging isn’t Dead when Trying to Make Money Online

Video is great, but honestly, if you are too lazy or attention deficit to READ a blog post and act on the written word, then you might not be cut out for making money online. Ever actually learn how hard it is to be a YouTube influencer and have all those millions of followers? Just to monetize a channel requires a thousand or more subscribers. Then, you have to keep the attention of all of those attention deficit disorder viewers who need to watch a show and can’t actually grasp the written word.

Blogging is WAY easier and can be built over time into an avalanche of steady views fed by Google and the search engines.

Also, people who find you through search engines are more motivated and if they READ your content they are more likely searching for something specific (answers) and likely to act on the advice and hopefully do what is needed, whatever that something is.

Making money online is not something that has to be done alone and if you are talking about affiliate marketing or blogging then whoa, the information is there.

I invite you to continue your learning with an organization that has been around for years and through many other companies in the space coming and going (mostly going).

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